A forage radish that is highly palatable that not only provides a valuable food source to wild game but also serves as a nutrient mining cover crop. Eco-Till will assist breaking up soil compaction and restore essential nutrients to the ground level. Deer love the greens and tops of tubers. Excellent way to start a perennial food plot the following season after planting.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
ProScape® 10-0-4 30% MESA® 0.3% Merit® provides plant nutrients as well as providing control of selected insect pests. This product can be used for the control of soil inhabiting pests of turfgrass, for example northern and southern masked chafers, Asiatic garden beetle, European chafer, Green June beetle, May or June beetles, Japanese beetle, Oriental beetle, sugarcane beetle, billbugs, annual bluegrass weevil, Black turfgrass ataenius, crane flies, and mole crickets. This product can be used as directed on turfgrass for example, in home lawns, business and office complexes, shopping complexes, multi-family residential complexes, golf courses, airports, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and sod farms.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
ProScape® 16-0-8 43% MESA® and .86 Team® Pro is a fertilizer containing Team®, a preemergence herbicide for control of crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, Poa annua and other annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
A fertilizer/herbicide combination product based on a 25-0-8 granular fertilizer which contains 40% SCU nitrogen with 1.174% Trimec® by weight. It provides postemergent control of many broadleaf weeds in established turf and has demonstrated its economy and reliability for many seasons.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
Using lime with your fertilizer helps to keep the fertilizer from locking up. Unlike powdered lime, Klean Lime, a pelletized lime, is a granular product that will flow smoothly through your spreader. This is a fast acting lime that dissolves quickly to raise the pH in your lawn or garden.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
Vitagreen Lawn and Garden Lime is ideal for lawns, plants, vegetables, fruits, flowers, and trees. This product is effective in controlling soil acidity and supplies the plants with the beneficial nutrient calcium. this Lawn and Garden Lime helps neutralize the high acidity content of sandy or clay soils and balances soil pH for improved growth.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
Albright's Mill has the seed you need for the healthiest and greenest lawn around.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.