Transitioning Your Horse From Cold to Hot Weather

Transitioning Your Horse From Cold to Hot Weather

Sometimes the spring weather comes upon us faster than we expect. The temperature begins to rise and before we know it, warm days are upon us. Here are some tips on taking care of your horses when the weather gets warm, according to Katherine Blocksdorf of

Beware of green pasture
While your horse should eventually make the transition from hay to fresh green grass, it shouldn't be overnight. If you let your horse graze out there for too long, it could end up getting colic from the rapid change of diet. Start off by only letting your horse graze for 10 minutes and work your way up from there.

Cut long hairs
If your horse still has it's thick winter coat, groom it down so it doesn’t have any extra covering to keep the heat on its body. If the temperature does happen to dip, be sure to provide blankets.

Consult your vet on whether your horse needs any vaccinations.

Ease into riding
If you didn’t ride your horse all that much during the winter, don’t let your excitement to ride get the best of you. Take it slow and let the horse get used to it again. It also helps if you don’t ride during the hottest parts of the day.
